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Murray River Travel Tips
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Road Travel
- Australian traffic drives on the left hand side of the road.
- If you are in doubt about your driving licence being accepted in Australia, rather obtain an International Licence from your local automobile association prior to your departure.
- When traveling in New South Wales a green slip is required of all drivers.
- Road speed limits differ between states but are generally 100-110kph on the highways and 50-60kph in built-up areas. Interstate highways are not of the same standard as USA and European highway systems but nor do they carry the same traffic volumes.
- Don't hitch-hike, it is illegal.
- Never leave small children or animals locked in vehicles it's illegal and in very hot weather dehydration occurs very quickly.
- The most serious danger on the road is fatigue. Look for driver refreshment stations and pull off and rest after driving for several hours.
- Be careful when driving on country roads at night in cold weather. Cattle and native animals such as kangaroos lie on the bitumen road surface which holds the warmth of the sun. Car lights blind and mesmerise the animals and they may just as easily run into your vehicle as run away from it.
- When travelling on remote outback roads/tracks, always advise someone at the destination of your expected arrival time and number of people in your party. If you fail to arrive within a reasonable time, help procedures can be started. Do NOT leave your vehicle as a missing vehicle is much easier to find that a missing person.
- When travelling on unsurfaced or poor quality roads, always conduct a vehicle check before starting off on the next sector.
- Extra care is needed when sharing the road with road-trains. These are prime movers with multiple trailers of cattle attached and are about 50 metres (170 feet) long. Always give them plenty of room as the buffeting from displaced air as you pass in opposite directions can be quite severe. Allow at least 1 kilometre (3000 feet) of clear road before overtaking a road train.
- Do not attempt to cross flooded rivers and causeways unless you are sure of the water depth and road surface damage. Most flash floods recede within 24 hours.
- Dust from passing vehicles on outback roads can obscure your vision. Don't take risks, slow down or stop until it settles.
TOP Source: Road Traffic Authority New South Wales
Air Travel
- Avoid flying early morning and late afternoon on the eastern seaboard routes. These flights are usually heavily booked by business people travelling between the capital cities.
- Need extra leg room? Ask to be seated in a row that serves the exit doors as these rows seem to have more room.
- When checking in and getting seat allocation, ask if your seat is in the first row immediately adjacent one of the large central video screens. You may wish to ask for a different location, especially if on a long international flight.
- A departure tax of A$30 per adult is payable when leaving Australia.
- More about REX - Regional Airline | Visit Mildura Airport
Weather and the Environment
- Protect against sunburn at all times, but especially in summer. Use a wide brimmed hat, 15+ sunscreen, sunglasses, protective clothes and shoes. Australian sunlight has very high UV levels and skin damage occurs rapidly, especially during the middle of the day.
- Check approaching storm fronts for signs of a greenish tinge. This often indicates a hail storm that may cause damage to persons and property.
- When swimming the the River Murray be aware of strong currents up river. Also watch out for snags and debris in the river.
Check weather here for River regions
Overseas Visitors, Customs, Quarantine and Visas
- To enter Australia you will need a current passport valid for the duration of your stay and a valid tourist visa issued in the your own country and entered into the passport before the travel date. New Zealand visitors are exempt from these requirements and are granted an entry permit on arrival.
- Visa applications are made to the Australian Embassy, Consulate or High Commission, as applicable, in your home country, although is is now possible for Australian visa applications to be made online. Make sure you apply for the correct visa type. For example, if you plan to work, you will need to apply for a work permit which is generally limited to single under 25's and which only allows for casual work to be performed for up to 3 months.
- Tourist visas are generally valid for a stay of 3 or 6 months. At the time of making your visa application you will have to sign an undertaking that you have an outward bound ticket and sufficient funds for the duration of your stay.
- No duty is payable on personal effects. Adults may carry up to 250 cigarettes and 1 litre of alcoholic liquor in their personal effects provided it is carried with them.
- Duty and sales tax is applied to dutiable goods exceeding A$400. Strict regulations apply to narcotics and controlled substances.
- When entering Australia you will have to surrender all fresh food, animal and plant products and any unprocessed foodstuffs. You will be required to sign a declaration to this effect. This is a quarantine requirement to prevent the entry of foreign organisms that may have a harmful effect on Australia's native vegetation, wildlife and farming products.
- Strict regulations apply to the import and export of protected wildlife and items made from protected species. Any such items will be seized by customs officials upon arrival.
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