Lameroo Walk Three - South side, school and sports area
Lameroo Heritage Walks | Walk One | Walk Two | Walk Three | Walk Four | Visit Lameroo
Takes you around part of the south side of Lameroo including the school and sports area - approx. 60 minutes
Exit the Craft Shop and turn right, walk down to the roundabout, cross the road going south and walk across the railway line, turn left into Railway Terrace South …
65 Grain Handling Complex
During harvest this complex is in constant use with trucks delivering grain to the silos. It is then either transported by train or truck to the port facilities.
Cross the road to …
66 Lameroo Memorial Hall, Cinema and RSL Hall
In 1907 allotment no: 43 was allocated as the site for an institute and library. A 60ft x 30ft timber and iron hall, lined with small fluted iron, seating 320 was built and opened in 1909. It had a small stage with curtains and footlights lit by acetylene gas. There were no separate meeting rooms however so if the hall was in use the library could not be accessed. In 1912 allotment no: 42 was granted and two rooms and a foyer of solid construction were added at the front of the hall, to be used as the library and a committee room, and a copper house at the rear. Lodge meetings were held and the rooms were also available for public meetings.
In 1911 Lyceum Pictures, a travelling picture show, commenced screenings. Firstly the projector sat on the main floor but later, due to fire regulations, a separate projector room had to be installed. In 1913 the Arcadia skating rink commenced for the winter. It ran again in 1914 and 1919.
The RSL wanted a meeting room as a memorial to WWI soldiers but instead a new solid construction hall was built as a memorial and was attached to the solid library and committee room. The old timber and iron hall was relocated to the rear of the new hall and used as a supper room. This new complex was opened in 1926.
In 1960 construction started on a new besser brick hall on the eastern side of the old one. On completion it was believed to be the largest hall in SA outside of the metropolitan area. It had a stage, tiered seating at the rear of the hall (with library room underneath) and the RSL Honour Rolls were displayed in the foyer. The old hall was converted to the supper room, new toilets installed off the foyer area and the old timber hall was sold and removed. In 1966 the front of the old hall was demolished and the RSL rooms added.
Since then live performances have been improved with a storage area added to the side of the stage and new dressing rooms at the rear. In the foyer further Honour Rolls have been added and the RSL memorial stained glass window has been put on display.
The library room is no longer used as the community library is now housed at the school.
The Lameroo Cinema operates from the hall regularly during the winter months and money raised has enabled a new picture screen, sound system, heating/cooling and improved seating to be installed.
Continue walking down Railway Terrace South …
67 nos: 67 and 69 Railway Terrace South
This double block, now a house and a large shed, was owned at one time by Mr Alfred Townsend who was an agent and timber merchant. On the block now occupied by the house a temporary building was put up in 1908 and used as a library until one was established in the new institute. Later there was a timber and iron office building (possibly the old library) used as the Council’s District Clerk office until Mr Perrin’s office became available further down the street.
68 no: 71 Railway Terrace South
Mr Vivian, a harness maker, occupied this site. Then Miss McMahon, who did millinery and dressmaking, had a small shop “Lameroo Cash Store” and she also bought hides and skins. After she closed this building was relocated to the corner of Chandos Terrace and Railway Terrace North and became part of the tearooms. A small cottage was then on the site until the current transportable home.
Look opposite …
69 Old Council Weighbridge
This weighbridge is no longer in use and the building is used for occasional storage.
70 no: 73 Railway Terrace South
There was a small timber and iron office on this site for McNamara & O’Connor, agents. In 1938 Mr HH Perrin, the then District Clerk of Lameroo Council, built an office and home and he rented the office space to Council. In 1950 Council purchased the building from Mr Perrin and in 1969, when Council relocated to new premises on Railway Terrace North, the building was sold as a private house.
Look across the road to …
71 Wheat Silo
A large horse trough sat on this side of the road and is now part of the base of the silo.
72 no: 75 Railway Terrace South
This was the site of Cameron & Son blacksmiths. It later became part of the Scharnberg & Hunt site and then the SAFU agency had a building there. The shed currently on the site was built by Mr Max Day.
73 nos: 77 and 79 Railway Terrace South
Now private houses these were built on the site of part of the Scharnberg & Hunt Implement Factory. No: 77 was the residence of Mr and Mrs Max Day who built the shed at no: 75.
74 no: 81 Railway Terrace South
The house was originally the home of the Scharnbergs who had their premises on the adjoining three blocks (points 68 & 69).
75 Storage Yard for Walter Agencies
For a very short time a boarding house stood on this site but it burnt down in suspicious circumstances.
76 Walter Agencies
Conrad’s butcher shop was built in 1907 then from 1910 to 1916 the building was shared with Mr Herbert Mayo, a barrister and solicitor. In about 1918 Mr H Ullrich started a business servicing motor cars. In 1925 it became Finch & Coward and in 1927 it was bought by Reg Downing who started trading as Country Motors. He installed an electric generator and sold power until electricity supply was taken over by ETSA. At the rear of the premises, in the late 1940s, Maurice Pahl had a blacksmiths shop and sold hardware, he later changed from smithing to welding. Country Motors transferred to Roy Dunn and Vic Millsteed in 1947. The business closed in the 1980s and the premises were vacant until used as a garden centre and florist. Huntsworth Classics garden furniture started manufacturing in the rear section and the front was used for a time as the Lameroo Craft Shop. Now the building is operated as a stock and station agent and insurance agency along with the garden furniture.
Turn right into South Avenue …
77 no: 1 South Avenue
This house was built by Mr Ratcliff, a farmer, in 1907 so that his family could live in town during the week and the children could attend school. Mr Ratcliff also built the hall in Butler Terrace (now Jade Cottage). After the Ratcliff family left the house it was used as the first police station and a portable jail was housed at the back which was later relocated to Parrakie.
Go back to Railway Terrace South and continue east …
78 Old Shop on the Corner (South Avenue and Railway Terrace South)
This shop was built in 1917 by Mr EJ Walter and used as the SAFU agency until the late 1940s. It was then used by Huddleston’s Electrical for a while and was also the Post Office while the old building on Railway Terrace North was being redeveloped. The shop sat empty for a while and was then used by Mr Treewick, a builder, and then by Beaurepaires as a tyre centre. It’s last use was by the visiting veterinarian. The building is currently vacant.
79 Private House
There was a small shed on this block in the early days and at one time it was used as a showroom/agency for the Adelaide Furniture Co. Later it was used for Girl Guide and Brownie meetings and horses grazed on the block. The private home was built in the 1950s.
80 Uniting Church
Formerly the Methodist Church a timber and iron building was erected in July 1906. Besides church services the building was used for meetings and functions as it was the only public building apart from the hotel. It was also the first school. In 1926 a kindergarten room was added so that Sunday school could be held at the same time as church services. It was decided to build a new church with the foundation stone being laid in July 1956 and the opening service being held in September. The old church was then used as a hall for Sunday school and meetings. Later it was demolished and the current hall built in 1985. A toilet block was recently added to the rear.
81 no: 95 Railway Terrace South
This was the site of Drogemuller’s the builder who also made coffins.
82 no: 97 Railway Terrace South
An original building which has been reclad, this has been a photographers, shop and newsagency.
83 no: 99 Railway Terrace South
This is the original building. It was Annie Clarke’s greengrocery but she also had a sly grog shop in the laundry. Note the old fluted iron under the roof guttering.
84 Catholic Church of the Irish Martyrs
The first catholic mass was celebrated on February 11th 1906, presumably in the open air, while the railway was still under construction. Four building blocks, two fronting Railway Terrace South and two behind on Butler Terrace, were purchased in 1907. The foundation stone was laid in August 1911 and the church opened in December. The church is heritage listed because of its unique method of construction. It has a timber framework with rough cast walls (mesh covered with lime/cement plaster) and a wooden floor. Originally there was a bell tower but no bell was ever installed. The church was recently repainted. The adjacent hall (Catholic Community Centre) was opened in 1979.
Cross the road to …
85 Christie Bros Super Depot
Superphosphate was trucked in by rail and farmers would collect it in their own vehicles. The depot was established in 1973 and is no longer in use.
Cross Bews Terrace into Yappara Road, walk east along by the pine trees, probably planted by the school children on Arbour Days, to …
86 World War II Tree Plantation
Please read the plaque on your left. The first trees were planted by the schoolchildren at the end of the war and then some were replaced by the Girl Guides and Brownies in the 1990s.
Turn slightly to your right and look beyond the trees to …
87 Saleyard Complex
This was built in 1968.
Cross the road to …
88 Kindergarten
The forerunner to the kindergarten was a play group run in the Methodist Church Hall (point 76). The Apex Club were instrumental in establishing the first kindergarten in the RAOB Lodge hall on Vardon Terrace which opened in 1974. In June 1977 the basic building arrived at the current site on land made available by the school and the kindergarten started in February 1978. The grounds have been established by parents over the years.
Walk back along Yappara Road past the school …
89 Playground
The playground stands on the site of the Headmasters house from the old school.
90 School
The site was gazetted in 1905 but the government were unwilling to commit to a building so classes were held in the Methodist Church Hall between 1906 and 1910 (point 76). In 1909 the government proposed a timber and iron structure but this was opposed by the parents and a brick school was built and first used in July 1910. It was enlarged in 1915 and portable classrooms added in 1938. In 1945 the one teacher schools at Wilkawatt, Yappara, Mulpata, Kulkami, Parilla, Parilla North and Smithville were all closed and the pupils transferred to Lameroo. The school was then renamed the Lameroo Area School. In 1973/1974 the current buildings were occupied and the older ones demolished or relocated. Since the late 1980s high school students from Pinnaroo and Geranium have been travelling to Lameroo and the school is now known as Lameroo Regional Community School.
As you walk past the school note the bell which hangs just outside the front office …
91 School Bell
This is the original old school bell which was re-erected and dedicated in 1995 at the 50th anniversary of the Lameroo Area School.
Turn left into Bews Terrace and walk south past the car parks …
92 School Oval
The first ground was gazetted in 1929, it was extended in 1945 and the football oval was on the clear space you can see just behind the present day gynasium building. The area was later used for basketball and tennis courts and a new oval, which you can see on your right was graded and seeded in 1959. This area was in the very early days the town waste dump and night soil dump.
Turn around and cross Bews Terrace to the sporting facilities directly opposite …
93 Swimming Pool
This was constructed in 1969 and first used in 1970. Later the deep end was enlarged to allow for diving boards. The change rooms and shower facilities are also accessible for use by the netballers.
94 Netball Courts
These were built in 1956, lights added in 1970 and the surface asphalted in 1981. The shelter shed on the far western side, now open fronted, was formerly the croquet clubhouse.
Return to the road, facing the railway, turn left into Butler Terrace and go to …
95 no: 17 Butler Terrace
This is the old Methodist Manse. A two room structure was built in 1911, extended in 1925. After the new manse was built the old one was sold and the new owner added the attic in the roof space.
Cross the road to the …
96 War Memorial Gates and Flagpole
These gates were erected in 1951. The new paving was completed in April 2004.
The flagpole in front of you is in the centre of the Garden of Memory.
Go through the gates and to your left …
97 CWA Pioneer Garden
This is a tribute to the pioneer women of the district. It was originally planted in 1953 and was replanted in the 1980s. It is still maintained by the CWA.
Retrace your steps back onto Butler Terrace. Turn left, cross the road diagonally to the cottage with the picket fence …
98 Jade Cottage, 12 Butler Terrace
This was originally a hall, built by Mr Ratcliff who lived in South Avenue (point 73), and it faced onto Butler Terrace. It was used for meetings and private functions until the Institute was opened in 1909. Its main advantage was that patrons could consume alcohol on the premises, something they couldn’t do if they used the Methodist Hall! It was also the venue for the first court sitting in 1909.
After the Institute opened the hall was turned around on the block to its current position and then added to at the back and converted into a private residence.
Continue up to …
99 no: 11 Butler Terrace
This house, built by the Potters, was the first house in Butler Terrace, has only had three owners and is a good example of early architecture.
Cross back to the park side of the road, walk down the hill westwards to the oval gates …
100 Recreation Ground and Jack Roberts Park
The park area just inside the gates is named after Mr Jack Roberts who was a long serving District Clerk for the Lameroo Council.
In 1920 Council gave permission for football and cricket facilities to be set up in part of the south parklands following the establishment of tennis courts. An oval was put in the centre, croquet courts were put down and bowling greens developed next door. In late 1940 it was decided to extend the sporting facilities across the whole of the south parklands. In 1949/1950 a new football oval was made (where the current one is now) and during that time football was played in the old showground area. The oval has since been turfed correctly and an irrigation system with pop-up sprinklers installed.
In the 1970s the Recreation Hut, on the high point overlooking the oval, was modernised and later a new one was built and renamed the Sports Complex. New change rooms were opened in 1997.
Go back out of the sportsground …
101 Tennis Courts (on left)
The lawned courts were put down between 1953 and 1962. (The remains of the old asphalt courts can be seen next to the gum trees along the edge of the road towards the corner). The tennis rooms were built in 1955.
Cross the road to …
102 no: 5 Butler Terrace
This little cottage on a double block was the home of the Charles family. There were so many children that tents were erected in the back yard to provide sleeping accommodation for some of the boys! Eight of the Charles boys went away to fight in WWII.
“Snow” Charles was the last of the family to live here and on his death he bequeathed money to establish the Charles Wing for geriatric care at the Lameroo Hospital. A framed photograph of all the Charles boys in uniform is on the Charles Wing wall.
103 no: 1 Butler Terrace
This used to be the site of Hunt’s fruit and vegetable shop.
Turn right into Chandos Terrace, walk back towards the railway, cross the railway line, go left around the roundabout, past the bakery to …
33 Dolly’s Golden Raintree Craft and Heritage Centre
This was built in 1911 and designed as a shop and dwelling with both doors opening onto the footpath. The shop door is recessed and has glazed display windows, there is a cellar under the floor (now unused) and the bullnosed verandah has horse hitching rails attached to the posts. The building was first used as a greengrocery then was vacant until Mr R Thamm commenced as a saddler and leatherworker in 1925. His wife taught piano and also accompanied the silent pictures shown at the Institute. Mr Roberts took over from the Thamms as a saddler and besides mending harness sold push bikes and motor bikes. (Mr Roberts son Jack later became the District Clerk). Later the building was bought as a private home by Mr and Mrs W Vandepeer. After Mr Vandepeer died his wife “Dolly” lived alone and was in the house for a period altogether of 52 years before moving to Pinnaroo.
Early in 1997 the Southern Mallee District Council bought the building to be made available to the Lameroo & District Historical Society. It has been extensively renovated in keeping with the original construction. The front section is rented by the Lameroo Craft Club and the back section houses a permanent display by the Historical Society and leads out to the new museum.
The beautiful old golden raintree in the garden is a feature.
The centre was officially opened by the late Roy Koch, life member of the Historical Society, on Sunday 15th Oct 2000.
This is the end of Walk Three. Please take time to explore the Lameroo Museum (Entry is by gold coin donation) and then perhaps enjoy a Devonshire Tea in the Craft Shop.
Lameroo Heritage Walks | Walk One | Walk Two | Walk Three | Walk Four | Visit Lameroo

Lameroo Town Guide
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