Discover Murray 2.0 Beta Website
Discover Murray is developing a revolutionary new marketing strategy and website for the Murray River.
This is a BETA 2.0 website. So what does this mean? It means there will be some minor interruptions while you use our website. Due to the size and complexity of the new site there will be the occasional mistake and areas that need refining and improvement. With your support, feedback and understanding ultimately you're helping us make you a better website to discover the Murray River.
For Visitors
You have the opportunity to find all sorts of amazing Murray River experiences through New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria. You can create, save and print Favourites. Favourites (see top right of page) can be towns, businesses, attractions or whatever. You can now view Events anywhere along the river or plan a trip with Events in mind. If you're in the River community you can add Events for free and promote your event nationally. We've incorporated Google maps easily to find what you want quickly.
We're always looking to improve, however this a great new era for tourism marketing and the Murray River.
For River Businesses
Through our advanced website development, businesses now have the ability to add, edit and delete content on their pages without cost. Simply register and you're away. You have powerful control over your marketing information and content for your visitor, giving visitors excellent facilities for planning their next Murray River experience and putting you in the driving seat of your businesses strategic marketing. Register your business now and receive 2 months of free advertising!
Discover Murray Trail
This website is linked through a national brand Discover Murray and the Trail. Visitors, visitor centres and businesses can now work closer and deliver content that works for all parties. Visitor Centres along the Murray River are setting up permanent trails and visitors are now planning their trip using the internet.
We're aiming to help improve the image and discovery of the Murray River and regions as one of Australia's great national icons and newest journey's.
Your Assistance is Valued
To assist us in the development of this website, if there are any errors or bugs can you please let us know.
Thank you.
Discover Murray team.
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Copyright Discover Murray 2025. This site or any portion of this site must not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose that is not expressly permitted by DISCOVER MURRAY.